Eighth National Conference Doctors of Nursing Practice

“How to be a Better DNP in 3 Days”

Abstract Submission Requirements

The deadline for Podium Presentation Submissions has past.
Poster abstract submission deadline has been extended through April 30, 2015
Click Here to Submit your Abstract

As Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) prepared nursing professionals continue to identify their roles in transforming health care, the need for demonstration of scholarly contributions to the profession increases.

This conference aims to provide a forum for advanced practice nurses, leaders, policy makers, and scholars to further explore and share competencies of the DNP prepared nurse that can influence health care practice, delivery, and patient outcomes.

Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. (DNP, Inc.), in its effort to showcase the innovative roles of the Doctor of Nursing Practice prepared nurse and the impact on nursing science and national healthcare delivery agenda, enthusiastically invites you to submit an abstract for Podium, Panel, or Poster presentation for the Seventh National Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference.

2015 National DNP Conference Objectives:

  • Describe techniques to sharpen practice skills for the doctoral prepared nursing professional
  • Identify key doctoral prepared abilities in academia, leadership, informatics, policy and practice to improve health care outcomes
  • Identify methods of practice in a variety of settings to advance the services of the doctoral prepared nurse
  • Discuss innovative roles and strategies of DNP prepared nurse to improve health care outcomes

We invite you to submit an abstract to share your knowledge, leadership, and expertise with colleagues at the Eighth DNP National Conference.  Abstracts are accepted for posters, podium presentations, and panel discussions.  The conference theme is How to be a Better DNP in 3 days. This conference will follow the theme in order to present topics germane to DNP clinicians, leaders and educators.  Selections are based on quality, clarity, and relevance to the DNP. 


Abstracts must be submitted by midnight EST March 31, 2015.  Late submissions will not be reviewed.

Criteria for Submission:

  • Please follow all directions in the Abstract Submission system (see link below)
  • The biographical sketch information is limited to 100 words
  • The Abstract is limited to 650 words
  • Assure that objectives line up with content in the abstract (required for CE qualification)
  • Provide references in APA format

Click Here to Submit Your Abstract


Practice, Education, Administration/Policy and Informatics


Poster – electronic poster submissions will be accepted and presented at the conference venue. Upon acceptance of a poster presentation, handouts of the poster are strongly recommended for distribution at the conference.

Click here to view the 2015 Digital Poster Presentation Requirements

Podium – 1-hour oral presentations scheduled during concurrent sessions throughout the conference schedule.

Click here to view the 2015 Podium Presentation Requirements

Click here to view the 2015 Poster Presentation Requirements

Panel – 1- hour oral presentations by a minimum of 3 speakers with expertise and knowledge of a particular topic.  A moderator should be identified as part of the group.  Each member should present a small brief on the topic, then time for audience discussion on the topic.


Abstracts are accepted via the link at the top of this page only. No faxed, emailed abstracts will be accepted.

Specific instructions:

  • Content should be appropriate for the conference theme and objectives

  • The abstract must identify which track for possible presentation to include Doctoral Prepared:

    • Clinical Practice
    • Informatics Practice
    • Administrative Practice
    • Policy Practice
    • Academic Practice
  • The submission must also address which type of presentation is preferred:
    • Pre-conference Workshop (2 hour presentation)
    • Podium presentation (1 hour)
    • Poster presentation (one day, two opportunities to display)
    • Panel discussion presentation
    • Podium OR Poster OR Panel presentation
  • All required information must be in the abstract in order to be reviewed; any abstracts with missing elements will not be reviewed or considered

  • Abstracts are due no later than 03/31/2015.  Late submissions will not be accepted or reviewed.

Note: A biographical and conflict of interest form is required for all who will  be physically presenting at the conference. This must be completed and returned with all abstracts at the time of submission in Microsoft Word format (faxed forms will not be accepted).  Any submissions missing this form will not be reviewed or considered for presentation.  All correspondence will be to the first author only, yet all authors will be listed in the conference program. Please ensure that all names and credentials are stated correctly, as this information will be printed in the conference program.

Click here to download the BIO/COI Form


All completed abstracts within guidelines received before the deadline will be considered.  The abstract review panel will make selections using a blind review process.  All decisions of the review committee are final.

Primary presenters are required to register for the entire conference in order to present.  Presenters will receive a special reduced rate on the conference registration fees.  Failure to register for the entire conference will forfeit the presentation.

If you have questions, e-mail info@doctorsofnursingpractice.org


Submission deadline: Midnight EST March 31, 2015

Questions?  info@doctorsofnursingpractice.org

Click Here to Submit Your Abstract

Download more abstract submission information here 

Note: If accepted, the presenter (podium or poster) must respond via e-mail

that he/she/they will attend the conference no later than May 15, 2015.

All presenters are expected to register for the conference. The deadline for podium presenter registration is June 1, 2015. The deadline for poster presenter registration is July 1, 2015. The primary presenter of an accepted abstract will receive one discounted registration. Please contact us if you need documentation for registration reimbursement.

The final list of accepted abstracts will be posted on the DNP website under the conference link. If you acknowledge that you will present, and are unable to attend the conference for any reason, your presentation will not take place. No substitute presenters will be permitted.

Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission Requirements

Poster Presentation Requirements

Podium Presentation Requirements

Download BIO/COI Form

Scholarship and Abstract Management System

Provided by WizeHive


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