Call for Abstracts for the 2015 Eighth National DNP Conference Seattle

How to be a Better DNP in 3 days”

The deadline for Podium and Poster Presentation Submissions has past.
Please consider submitting for the 2016 conference in Baltimore

As Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) prepared nursing professionals continue to identify their roles in transforming health care, the need for demonstration of scholarly contributions to the profession increases.
This conference aims to provide a forum for advanced practice nurses, leaders, policy makers, and scholars to further explore and share competencies of the DNP prepared nurse that can influence health care practice, delivery, and patient outcomes.

Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. (DNP, Inc.), in its effort to showcase the innovative roles of the Doctor of Nursing Practice prepared nurse and the impact on nursing science and national healthcare delivery agenda, enthusiastically invites you to submit an abstract for Podium, Panel, or Poster presentation for the Seventh National Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference.

2015 National DNP Conference Objectives:

  • Describe techniques to sharpen practice skills for the doctoral prepared nursing professional
  • Identify key doctoral prepared abilities in academia, leadership, informatics, policy and practice to improve health care outcomes
  • Identify methods of practice in a variety of settings to advance the services of the doctoral prepared nurse
  • Discuss innovative roles and strategies of DNP prepared nurse to improve health care outcomes
Call for Abstracts
Abstract Submission Requirements
Poster Presentation Requirements
Podium Presentation Requirements
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