Archive for the ‘Academia’ Category

Slavery and the Journal — Reckoning with History and Complicity

Check out this fascinating article about and published in The New England Journal of Medicine. As we all strive to reconcile and evolve from our collective past,

New DNP Essentials: let’s pay attention!

The AACN has been working to align BSN, MSN, and DNP essentials. They are out for review and many programs, schools, and universities are working to assure that

Structural Racism in Peer Reviewed Publications

Is racism an inherent element of peer-reviewed journals? Some are addressing this issue head-on. As clinicians that apply peer-reviewed findings to practice, we may

US lawmakers turn attention to plague of fake journal papers

This article was shared by our colleague Maureen “Shawn” Kennedy, Editor in Chief Emerita of the American Journal of Nursing. Thank you! CLICK HERE

Quality and Quantity: UNLV Nursing Recognizes Largest DNP Graduating Class

We proudly share an article from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. CLICK HERE to see more. Thoughts? Insights to share?

Synchronous Telehealth Fatigue Among Healthcare Providers Survey

If you are a nurse practitioner currently utilizing telehealth to deliver care to patients, I am inviting you to participate in this brief, anonymous survey titled

Mentoring and Interprofessional Collaboration

The challenges of interprofessional collaboration and mentoring of new employees at all levels.

National Study of Nursing Faculty and Administrators’ Perceptions of Professional Identity in Nursing

Here's another important article shared by the AACN in their NEWS WATCH newsletter published 12/8/2021. See the full-text article HERE.

Variations in nursing baccalaureate education and 30-day inpatient surgical mortality

This article was shared by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing in their NEWSWATCH newsletter published 12/8/2021. See the full text article HERE.

Strategies to move entry-level NP education to the DNP degree by 2025

This article is important for all DNP prepared graduates and faculty. We are proud to see the list of authors as they have been a big part of the world of the DNP and

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