Implementing Motivational Interviewing for Tobacco Cessation (0.25h)

Posted on: December 12th, 2021 by Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc.
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This educational offering provides 0.25 CEU and was presented in the Clinical track. The course includes a PowerPoint (in PDF) and an MP4 video file from the presentation originally shared at the 14th National Doctors of Nursing Practice Conference at the Swissotel in Chicago, August 2021.

Latonda Paymon, DNP, FNP-BC 
Dr. Paymon is a professor at Troy University, where she graduated with her DNP in 2017. She has authored 2 previous manuscripts and presented at the National DNP Conference in New Orleans. Her focus is primarily pediatrics but she co-authors for her DNP students as they learn to write manuscripts of their own. Her contributions to the design and implementation of manuscript work for her students will assist the next generation of DNP students to produce impeccable research.

Tobacco remains the leading cause of preventable death. The purpose of this research was to demonstrate motivational interviewing could be used in adjunct with current tobacco cessation efforts to further reduce the impact of tobacco on health outcomes.

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