Home Forums DNP Education – Preparing for Practice Relevancy to Workplace Reply To: Relevancy to Workplace


Hi John
I have seen the impact on DNP degrees in several ways. DNPs are prepared to take on leadership roles, like Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialist, and Nurse Managers, because their advanced education gives them the skills to be effective leaders. I have seen this in general and in my workplace, where if there is an issue or a need for leadership. DNP prepared nurses will step up. They also help advocate for policy and change. Furthermore, the advanced education places an important on evidenced-based practice. As leaders and advocated for change practicing care that is backed by evidence is quite important. For instance, I used to work in the NICU, and there we would have our staff meetings, where some of the DNPs would present for skills lab, and all their presentations were backed by evidence-based practice. Some other ways I have seen their impact on my workplace was that we once had a patient with a rare condition. The treatment was then researched, backed by evidence-based practice, and was a team effort. I believe that the advanced education provides the nurse with more comprehensive tools to do their job effectively prepared nurses have advanced clinical skills, leadership, and a commitment to evidence-based practice, driving improvements in patient care and healthcare systems overall.

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