Home Forums DNP Student Concerns Seeking Advice on Balancing Work, Study, and Personal Life as a DNP Student Reply To: Seeking Advice on Balancing Work, Study, and Personal Life as a DNP Student


Hello, Marvelous. I see that others have not yet replied so I thought I would jump in and share a thought or two. Finding a balance with all of the demands of a family and career, not to mention being a student, is a tremendous challenge. I think you will agree that it boils down to setting priorities and then scheduling the important things in life, and then sticking to it.
I use a time-management system that helps keep me out of trouble with all that I have going on in my life. I carve out time for family, and hold sacred my time for personal growth (self-care, quiet time, reflection, etc.).
It’s not easy. What have you planned so far for yourself?

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