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Hi Gabriela,

The healthcare industry can do several things to help clear the confusion. I think the first step is to acknowledge that there are many disciplines that use various doctoral degrees. DNP is Doctor of Nursing Practice, PhD is Doctor of Philosophy, and MD is Doctor of Medicine. To even start there needs to be acknowledgment that MD’s are not the only ones with the word “doctor” in their title. Now impersonating a Medical Doctor is not something that should be done. Also providers should clarify their roles. If a DNP is providing care and is asked if they are a doctor, then they should clarify that they are not a medical doctor but rather a Doctor of nursing practice. They should be able to clarify their role and explain that although they are providing them with care they are not a medical doctor, and that their training and scope of practice differ.There are many disciplines who use the term doctor when referring to themselves because they have a PhD. In one popular show, a character would introduce themselves as Doctor Reid, even though they had no medical training in the show. There is a need for proper education about the different roles in today’s healthcare industry. Individuals with doctorate degrees are entering the healthcare industry and believe they should be able to use their titles, which in turn can lead to confusion among the patients. The public health department can team up with hospitals to provide education on the different type of providers that are part of the care team.

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