Home Forums DNP Professional Growth DNP Restrictions Reply To: DNP Restrictions


What a great question Alyssa! As a student in a DNP (Doctor of Nurse Practice) program I have noticed that DNP practice does seem to be different depending on the state. As this appears to be the trend, I believe it’s important for education on the DNP’s skill set to be implemented statewide and nationally. DNPs can be crucial in advocating for more equitable recognition and practice opportunities relative to MDs (Doctors of Medicine). DNPs would need to implement certain strategies to promote fair recognition through policy advocacy, and collaboration with healthcare professionals, promote evidence-based practice, and enhance professional development through mentorship or leadership training. These are just a few of the strategies that come to mind to promote DNP practice to allow a more equitable recognition of the role by also advocating for changes that benefit both healthcare providers and patients.

  • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by Laura.
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