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Hello Alyssa,

Integrating the nursing philosophy into DNP practice while maintaining the high standards expected of physicians is crucial for providing holistic and patient-centered care. As a student in a DNP program, you are guided by the DNP Essentials, which play a significant role in shaping your approach to care. Wylie (2016) highlights two critical essentials: Essential I, which focuses on the scientific underpinnings for practice, and Essential VII, which emphasizes clinical prevention and population health. These essentials are foundational in bridging the gap between nursing and medical practice.

As APRNs, our nursing background equips us with unique skills that enhance patient care. Unlike physicians who may primarily focus on disease-specific treatment, our nursing education emphasizes holistic care. This allows us to connect with patients on a deeper level, addressing their medical needs and emotional and social well-being. This holistic approach is a significant advantage in providing comprehensive care and improving patient outcomes.

From a legal standpoint, while there are different standards for nursing and physician professions, the job requirements for DNP providers often overlap with those of physicians. DNPs should focus on continuous learning, participating in and investigating new research, and continually improving their skills and knowledge. This commitment to professional development ensures that we practice at the same standard as physicians while integrating our nursing philosophy.

Moreover, nursing’s collaborative nature allows us to work effectively with various healthcare teams, enhancing our understanding of the nuanced dynamics within healthcare settings. This experience is invaluable in improving healthcare efficiency and team dynamics, ultimately leading to better patient care.

as DNPs, we should leverage our unique nursing background to connect with patients, provide holistic care, and collaborate effectively with healthcare teams. By doing so, we can maintain the high standards of medical practice while integrating the compassionate and comprehensive approach inherent in nursing.

Wylie, N. (2016). Implementing Integrative Care as a DNP to Increase Patient Health Outcomes. Beginnings, 36(3), 14-15.

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