This page explores the challenges, reward, obstacles, and solutions of practicing as a DNP prepared nursing professional.

The motivation for this page comes from a need to expand our profession and interactions beyond the academic environment. After graduation there is little known about how those in practice in our complex and widely varying health care delivery system.

We are soliciting your thoughts, experiences, and insights into the scope and rewards of your practice now that you have earned the DNP degree. This goal is being addressed in two ways.

First, the national DNP conferences aim to explore how DNP prepared colleagues are addressing a variety of  practice issues such as quality improvement, policy formation, practice improvement and/or specific outcome improvement for identified patient populations. Each national conference addresses these dynamics yet the majority of presentations address either academic processes or student projects. We continue to grow into a symposium format as we explore DNP prepared practice issues.

With this in mind, please consider sharing your thoughts and insights by completing this brief survey to collect thoughts and ideas.

(insert link here).

Second, please join the online community or access forums that explore the dynamics of DNP prepared practice.

A link to the forum for this purpose is HERE.  A Forum has been created for this purpose also.

Third, the advisors of Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. are exploring the the formation of a membership driven organization. (more formalized thought is needed to expand on this



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