Gold Sponsorship


The Gold Sponsorship package includes • A double booth space for exhibiting , • A verbal announcement at the conference of your contribution and support, • A full-page color advertisement in the printed conference program , • Three months full-page color advertisement in the DNP monthly e-newsletter OUTCOMES. •Each exhibiting company is entitled to four (4) exhibitor identification badges for on-site personnel. Exhibitor badges do not include conference registration and are valid in the exhibit hall only. Additional badges may be purchased for $200.00 (2 max) per badge. Exhibitors may also purchase full conference registrations at a discounted rate only for those manning their booth that wish to attend the conference sessions.  Presenters working the Exhibitor Booth are not eligible for this discount and must register at the Presenter rate.  For information on the discount contact Stephen Campbell-O’Dell at

Silver Sponsorship


The Silver Sponsorship package includes • A double booth space for exhibiting, • A verbal announcement at the conference of your contribution and support, • A ½-page color advertisement in the printed conference program • Two months full page color advertisement in the DNP monthly e-Newsletter OUTCOMES reaching an audience of over 11,000! •Each exhibiting company is entitled to three (3) exhibitor identification badges for on-site personnel. Exhibitor badges do not include conference registration and are valid in the exhibit hall only. Additional badges may be purchased for $200.00 (2 max) per badge. Exhibitors may also purchase full conference registrations at a discounted rate only for those manning their booth that wish to attend the conference sessions.  Presenters working the Exhibitor Booth are not eligible for this discount and must register at the Presenter rate.  For information on the discount contact Stephen Campbell-O’Dell at

Bronze Sponsorship


The Bronze Sponsorship package includes • A single booth space for exhibiting, • A verbal announcement at the conference of your contribution and support, • A ¼-page black and white advertisement in the printed conference program • One-month full page color advertisement in the DNP monthly e-newsletter OUTCOMES reaching an audience of over 11,000! • Each exhibiting company is entitled to two (2) exhibitor identification badges for on-site personnel. Exhibitor badges do not include conference registration and are valid in the exhibit hall only. Additional badges may be purchased for $200.00 (2 max) per badge. Exhibitors may also purchase full conference registrations at a discounted rate only for those manning their booth that wish to attend the conference sessions.  Presenters working the Exhibitor Booth are not eligible for this discount and must register at the Presenter rate.  For information on the discount contact Stephen Campbell-O’Dell at

Sponsor a Keynote Speaker

Demonstrate your support by sponsoring a keynote speaker. Your contribution highlights the education of doctorally prepared nurses through continuing education. Your sponsorship is acknowledged through an announcement before the presentation, inclusion in the printed conference program, a ½ page black and white advertisement in the program, and two-month ¼ page color advertising in the DNP monthly e-Newsletter OUTCOMES reaching an audience of over 11,000! Your logo with a link to your company’s website will be posted on the conference Exhibitor / Sponsor page.

Sponsor a Conference Break

Show your support and reach all that attend the conference. You will be recognized in the conference program as a sponsor, and also through announcements in the general sessions and receive a ¼ page black and white advertisement in the printed program. Your logo with a link to your company’s website will be posted on the conference Exhibitor / Sponsor page.

Sponsor a Conference Lunch

Demonstrate your support by sponsoring a conference lunch. Your contribution highlights the education of doctoral prepared nurses. Your sponsorship is acknowledged through an announcement before the luncheon, inclusion in the printed conference program, a full page color advertisement in the printed program, and a two-month full page color advertising in the DNP monthly e-Newsletter OUTCOMES reaching an audience of over 11,000 to promote your event! Your logo with a link to your company’s website will be posted on the conference Exhibitor / Sponsor page.
The sponsor is responsible for all food and beverage cost for the lunch and will coordinate with the venue representative.  All menus will be approved by DNP, Inc. prior to the event.

Sponsor the Conference Bags

Your sponsorship of the conference bags supports networking, presenter and continuing education. All attendees will recognize your contribution to this event with your organization’s logo printed on the conference bag. Announcements of your support are made during the general sessions, listed in the printed program, and a ½ page black and white advertisement in the printed program. Also receive one-month ¼ page color advertising in the DNP monthly e-Newsletter OUTCOMES reaching an audience of over 11,000! Your logo with a link to your company’s website will be posted on the conference Exhibitor / Sponsor page.

Single Booth Space

  • One 7ft. x 30in. table
  • Each exhibiting company is entitled to two (2) exhibitor identification badges for on-site personnel. Exhibitor badges do not include conference registration and are valid in the exhibit hall only. Additional badges may be purchased for $200.00 per badge. Exhibitors may also purchase full conference registrations at a discounted rate. For information on this rate contact Stephen Campbell-O’Dell at
  • A ¼ page black and white advertisement in the printed conference program
  • Your logo with a link to your company’s website posted on the conference Exhibitor / Sponsor page.

Double Booth Space

  • Two 7ft. x 30in. tables
  • Each exhibiting company is entitled to two (2) exhibitor identification badges for on-site personnel. Exhibitor badges do not include conference registration and are valid in the exhibit hall only. Additional badges may be purchased for $200.00 (2 max) per badge. Exhibitors may also purchase full conference registrations at a discounted rate only for those manning their booth that wish to attend the conference sessions.  Presenters working the Exhibitor Booth are not eligible for this discount and must register at the Presenter rate.  For information on the discount contact Stephen Campbell-O’Dell at
  • A ½ page black and white advertisement in the printed conference program
  • Your logo with a link to your company’s website posted on the conference Exhibitor / Sponsor page.

Additional Representative

Add an additional representative to your booth (2 Add’l Reps Max Allowed). Max 4 total Reps per booth.

Full Pg. Color Ad

Put your company front and center, big and bold, and reach hundreds of DNPs at this event! Ad specs 8 ¼ “x 11″ (209.55 mm x 279.4mm)

Full Pg. B/W Ad

One full page Black and White advertisement in the printed conference program. Ad specs 8 ¼ “x 11″ (209.55 mm x 279.4mm)

1/2 Pg. Color Ad

Design your company’s printed advertisement for all to see! Ad specs vertical 3 3/8” x 9 ¾” (85.725 mm x 247.65 mm) horizontal 7” x 4 7/8” (177.8 mm x 123.825 mm)

1/2 Pg. B/W Ad

Take advantage of this great value! Ad specs vertical 3 3/8” x 9 ¾” (85.725 mm x 247.65 mm) horizontal 7” x 4 7/8” (177.8 mm x 123.825 mm)

1/4 Pg Color Ad

Expand your reach to your audience and advertise in the conference printed program! Ad specs 3 ½ “x 2 3/8” (88.9 mm x 61.9 mm)

1/4 Pg B/W Ad

One ¼ page Black and White advertisement in the printed conference program. Ad specs 3 ½ “x 2 3/8” (88.9 mm x 61.9 mm)

Cancellation Policy
Live Event & Virtual Cancellation of exhibit space or reduction of reserved space must be made in writing and sent to the exhibit hall liaison. In the event of cancellation, DNP, Inc. has the right to use said space to suit its own convenience, including selling space to another exhibitor, without rebate or allowance to the cancelled exhibitor.  DNP, Inc. reserves the right to cancel or postpone any or all conference activities due to unforeseen circumstances including weather related events or global pandemics. In the event the conference is cancelled all exhibitor registrations will be transferred to the next conference. Refunds will not be offered. Refunds that meet the requirements will be processed within 30 days of receipt of written cancellation based on the original form of payment.
Cancellation Date Penalty
DNP, Inc. policy of cancellation is as follows: Cancellations received on or before April 30, 2024 will incur a $200 administrative fee. Cancellations between April 2 and May 23, 2024 will have 50% of original contracted booth rental fee returned. For cancellations received on or after May 24, 2024 no refund is provided.

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