Home Forums DNP Professional Growth The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP Reply To: The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP

David Vaughan

From a profession that has been discouraging formal, advanced education for decades (ADN vs BSN), none should be surprised. I would go on to say that until we decide as a profession that we are (collectively) going to be a force in healthcare, this discouragement is likely to continue. Nursing continues to evolve. Many would like to lead the way in healthcare innovation and policy. In my opinion, nurses are the best suited to have the predominant voice in healthcare. But, as long as we fight amongst ourselves and continue to willingly mold ourselves into a system that is designed to “keep us in our place,” the less we will accomplish.

For those who think that sounds pretty negative, let me provide a little clarity. I am a new grad DNP. I am also 13 years an FNP, 20 years a nurse, and 50+ years old. Yep, I went back to school after 11 years in practice for the terminal degree. I have been asked all the same why?, will you make more money?, how will it channge what you do? questions. I have met and seen the same discuoragement. The simple answer is because it is important for all of us. Like Wichanee stated above, we are needed in all aspects of healthcare, as Doctors of Nursing. No other healthcare profession touches all aspects of our patient populations the way we do. We outnumber all other healthcare professions. I believe we do hold the answers for how to meet the healthcare needs of the population. We simply must stop hurting one another and stop letting other health professions (like medicine) define who we are and what we do. So, yes, get your DNP. Then get involved and make changes in your organization, in your community, and across the country.