Home Forums COVID-19 Pandemic: Bearing Witness, Telling our Story A New Kind of Patriotism Thoughts by Mark Lawrence Schrad. What takeaway do you see for DNP colleagues? Reply To: Thoughts by Mark Lawrence Schrad. What takeaway do you see for DNP colleagues?

Anastasia G Paolini

This post is very touching. Working on the frontlines in this pandemic was a very tough time for me and my colleagues. I experienced the loss of co-workers and their family members due to them working as healthcare professionals during this pandemic. But this is not the first time I have come into contact with patients that had an infectious disease. I have had pt.’s with active TB, flu, and others and provided them nothing but the best care possible without even thinking about it. I think this pandemic has shown the selflessness, dedication, and courage of those working in healthcare at the bedside. Although I am not sure I can compare it to getting actively shot at such as those who serve our country in a war. This is because the odds of dying from a gunshot/IUD explosion on a battlefield versus contracting Covid is different. Highlighting the sacrifices and risks healthcare professionals take is way overdue and a service to our country in a different way. The United States rallied together to highlight those people who continued to brave the virus ( police officers, grocery store employees etc..) and it was nothing short of heartwarming. I think the community will now carry a new appreciation for people working in these professions and it is a beautiful thing.

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