Home Forums COVID-19 Pandemic: Bearing Witness, Telling our Story A New Kind of Patriotism Thoughts by Mark Lawrence Schrad. What takeaway do you see for DNP colleagues? Reply To: Thoughts by Mark Lawrence Schrad. What takeaway do you see for DNP colleagues?

Ernst Uychocde

Almost two years later and this post still rings true until today. Being a healthcare working is rewarding, but also very exhaustive. Between the vaccination and booster roll-outs, new variants, nursing staff shortages, and PPE shortages, these past two years have taken a toll on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-beings of nurses and other healthcare providers.

For the sake of continuing the metaphor, it is saddening to see that the enemy is still out there two years later, but now taking on new forms. Yes, this round we are equipped with enough weaponry and protective gear, but the lack of military staff we have in the front lines is very apparent. Moreover, some of our soldiers have been wounded, yet they are still required to show up and fight the battle.

Having only worked as a registered nurse for a year and a couple of months so far, during a pandemic, I feel both experienced and inexperienced in the field. I have learned so much about healthcare beyond the clinical practice, but at the same time feel like I still do not know anything because things are constantly changing on a day-to-day basis. But I guess this is what was meant when I was told as a nursing student that an important characteristic that nurses have in common is adaptability.

However, how much change can our bodies and minds as human beings take during a stressful and seemingly never-ending period of time such as this?

I really love being a registered nurse and aiding my patients get back to their optimal level of health, but there are days where it seems like I can’t even take care of myself. How am I expected to take care of others?

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