Home Forums DNP Practice Issues The 4th Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic Check out this graphic to anticipate future effort Reply To: Check out this graphic to anticipate future effort


The COVID 19 has dramatically changed or enhanced the perspective of everybody and impacted every single individual regardless of age, ethnicity, economic background, and etc. The graph demonstrated above perfectly represents the few burdens of the virus. When looking at the illustration labeled the first, second, and third wave, it precisely demonstrates the high impactful amount of deaths due to the virus. This occurrence is from not educating oneself with valid and accurate resources, low amount of resources available, and no cure nor valid treatment (ex: vaccines) available. As for the fourth wave, it summarizes the unfortunate effects from this virus. This virus made people encounter and treat their inner emotions regardless if it has something to do with a psychiatric medical condition or not and be burnt out and/or financially burdened due to being laid off or having to work more due to the low amount of essential workers and operations being suspended.

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