Home Forums DNP Professional Growth The Value of the DNP; Job Market Outlook/Compensation Reply To: The Value of the DNP; Job Market Outlook/Compensation

Ernst Uychocde

The value of the DNP is not limited to job market outlook/compensation, but it is a vital aspect to note when pursuing the degree. I believe that APRNs with a doctoral degree should have a higher rate of pay than masters prepared APRNs. As mentioned above, hospitals will probably hire a master prepared APRN over a doctoral prepared one because of the cost. However, being a doctoral-prepared advanced practice nurse in the field can be competitive when it comes to taking jobs in magnet hospitals, as well as becoming faculty at a university.

Although we pursued/are pursuing a higher level degree of nursing because we want to make advancements in healthcare, we should be compensated for the hard work we do. Using your education and experience as leverage to help you advance in your career should not be frowned upon and competitive compensation should be encouraged.

Lastly, I encourage DNP students to advocate for new positions at their current place of work when they graduate. Sometimes there are positions that do not exist, especially in smaller organizations, that may be created for the DNP graduate that will both benefit the organization, patients, and the APRN.

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