Home Forums DNP Professional Growth The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP Reply To: The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP


Hi Avery,

I have a different situation in my workplace. I work in a small inpatient psychiatric facility and most of my coworkers are in NP school. We are very encouraging towards each other and are encouraging our other coworkers to get started on their terminal degrees. I did notice that my personal friends who are nurses do not share the same thoughts about graduate school. I had one friend who said a nurse can make as much or more as an NP and they do not want to get more bogged down with debt. So I understand your sentiment about other nurses discouraging you from getting your DNP degree. Financial reasons aside, there is so much more to the DNP degree than money or debt and I hope my friends could see that and pursue their terminal degree. I would keep my cards closer if I could do it again; there is little use in trying to convince someone of something they do not agree with.

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