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I’m sorry to hear of the negative comments some students are getting in pursuing their APRN degrees. Since Avery’s initial post in 2020, I hope the passage of time in the past 3 years has decreased these occurrences. Personally, I have been very fortunate to have been met with celebration and encouragement to pursue a higher degree. I’ve received this positive energy from management, coworkers, and patients. Some individuals were happy but confused due to the lack of awareness of the position I am pursuing. I like to think that each time I explain the role of a DNP, I am helping other students and professionals pursue or practice as a DNP by spreading awareness. My manager helped to support me by working with me to create a position at the hospital that would allow me to financially support myself as best as possible while also giving me time to pursue my degree. My coworkers will ask me how I am doing with my education and aid me in covering any shifts to have time to finish assignments or attend classes. I can usually work with my manager to find a schedule to allow me to manage my time well in finishing assignments and working on the unit, so I rarely need to ask coworkers to cover shifts. I think I’ve only had to do that once. I’m not trying to boast about my experiences. I am truly thankful to my workplace and loved ones. I want to share my experiences to encourage others to find a support system to help raise them towards better things.