Home Forums DNP Professional Growth The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP Reply To: The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP


Hello Avery, it is disheartening to hear this in our profession. But I must say this has happened to me as well. The nursing profession gets the short end of the stick in healthcare. We are at the forefront of it all and are easy to blame. I have had comments like ” the pay isn’t even good for all that responsibility”. My response is that if I was doing it for the pay I would have chosen a different career. APRNs are suited with the education and the experience to effectively care for our population. At times patients can relate better to an APRN than different members of the healthcare team. Our biggest asset is that we deal directly with patient care and we are able to make the change in future healthcare disparities. It is a shame that we constantly have to prove ourselves and our knowledge. However, I feel that as healthcare changes and more APRNs are in the field there will be a change. Most people I know Love seeing their NP at follow up visits it is our responsibility to educate those that still need the education on the need for APRNs.

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