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    Re: Improving Confidence Among Novice Nurse Practitioners Through a Role Transition Support Intervention
    Dear Colleagues,
    I am writing to let you know about an opportunity to participate in a clinical scholarly project about nurse practitioner role transition. This study is being conducted by Dayleen Young at Umass Global.
    Participation includes attending a one-time online role transition webinar that would take about 95 minutes and answering a pre-and post-Nurse Practitioner Role Transition Scale (NPRTS) that will take 20 minutes. Additional support resources will also be provided to you.
    The inclusion criteria: (1) practices in California in direct patient care, (2) has a graduate degree to practice as an NP, (3) can speak and read English, and (4) has been practicing as an NP for 12 months or less.
    If you agree to participate, a Zoom meeting will be sent to you.
    If you would like additional information about this study, please contact Dayleen Young at dyoung12@mail.umassglobal.edu

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