October 9-11, 2008 at the DoubleTree Hotel and Resort, Downtown Memphis, TN

Below is a listing of speakers and presenters at the

First National DNP Conference.

Topic: Doctors of Nursing Practice in Education
Elizabeth Rash, PhD, RN Developing an Advanced Pharmacology Course for DNP Students with Diverse Needs
Mary Lou Manning, PhD, CRNP Transitioning Practice-based Nurse Leaders to Faculty Positions in Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs
Judith A. Kaufmann, DrPH, FNP-C THE DNP: Building a Culture of Clinical Scholarship
Lisa Hardman, DNP, APRN, BC-ADM, CDE Building DNP/PhD Partnerships
Barbara S. Turner, DNSc, RN, FAAN Translation,Transformation, and Leadership: Keystones of the Duke DNP program
Deborah Harrod Woda, CNM, APRN, DNP DNP Program Evaluation: Examining the Role of an Online Community
Judy Honig, DNP, EdD, CPNP-PC DNP Portfolio: The Scholarly Project for the Doctor of Nursing Practice
Patricia Smith Bowman, DNP DNP Project Advisor/Chairperson: Mapping New Territory
Topic: Doctors of Nursing Practice in Scholarly Clinical Practice
Elizabeth Fuselier Ellis, DNP, RN, FNP-BC DNP Clinical Leader: Transformation of Practice (PPT Presentation)
Juli Maxworthy, DNPc, MBA, RN,CNL, CPHQ Opportunities for the DNP Related to Hospital Quality Measures (PPT Presentation)
Lori Hull-Grommesh, ACNP-BC CCRN DNP Candidate Women and Heart Failure
Judith F. Karshmer, PhD, RN DNP Advanced Practice: Challenging the Definition
Beth Towery Davidson, DNP, ACNP, CCRN Incorporating Ultrafiltration into Therapy Options for Diuretic Resistance: A DNP Driven Project
Christine B. Berding, DNP, RN, CCRN The Spirituality, Mind/Body, Healing Connection
Brigit VanGraafeiland, DNP, CPNP The Use of Documentation Prompts as an Intervention Strategy for Primary Care Providers Managing Children in Out of Home Placement
Margaret Pierce, DNP, APRN, BC Breast Brachytherapy Outcomes Evaluation (PPT Presentation)
Topic: Doctors of Nursing Practice Certification
Pat Yoder-Wise, RN, EdD, NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN ANCC DNP Survey Results: views on the implications of the doctor of nursing practice on the future of nursing certification (PPT Presentation)
Judy Honig, DNP, EdD, CPNP-BC ABCC will present information on the certification examination that is intended to validate the advanced clinical competency of DNP graduates (PPT Presentation)
Seven Sister’s Presentation:

Case Western Reserve: Donna Dowling, PhD

Columbia University: Judy Honig, DNP, EdD

Rush University: Suzanne Perraud, PhD

University of Colorado: Pat Moritz, PhD

University of Kentucky: Patricia Howard, PhD

University of South Carolina: Mary Ann Parsons, PhD

University of Tennessee: Donna Hathaway, PhD

Polly Bednash, PhD, FAAN (End note speaker) Executive Director, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Micheal Carter, DNSc, FAAN, APRN-BC (Opening Speaker) Distinguished Professor, University of Tennessee, Clinical Professor of Geriatrics, Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences


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