
This report highlighted a significant issue tackling the healthcare system over many years. It has affected nurses and other healthcare professionals providing direct patient care. As the report mentions, our personal experiences and biases often influence our relationships and profession. Unconscious bias and racism have contributed to multiple health disparities. Working in the healthcare field, I have seen its daily practice, and sometimes people are unaware they are contributing to this bias. “Unconcious bias refers to stereotypes and cultural concepts that all people give, which influence decisions and behaviors apart from conscious realization or intentional control” (Schultz & Baker, 2017, p. 692). Understanding the concept of unconscious bias is critical because sometimes it is hard to know if we are also guilty of this action without knowing it. Unconscious bias can be applied in various cultural and underserved communities, such as people experiencing homelessness. It is vital to be culturally competent in caring for all people. Acknowledging that bias and racism exist and understanding their implications toward care can help change our thinking and actions when serving patients daily. As a result, it can reduce stigmatization among patient populations.

Many things stood out in this report, but most importantly, how white nurse researchers conduct overwhelming nursing research. The report addresses the top themes identified, but one reason I have seen firsthand is the systemic and institutional roadblocks among decision-makers, academia, and governmental agencies. Minority nurse researchers (including DNPs) are essential to addressing health disparities and inequities and appropriately disseminating funding. As prospective DNP leaders, it is vital to understand and become involved with policies and reforms. It is important to know that despite these huge issues, it is essential to keep pushing. Minor changes and advocacy can invoke an array of modifications and influence others to do the same.

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