Elizabeth Lopez replied to the topic Check out this graphic to anticipate future effort in the forum The 4th Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic 2 years, 12 months ago
This topic I’m sure still hits home to all of us that have worked through the pandemic. The chart that was provided was a great depiction of what took place during the four waves of covid in healthcare settings. Starting from the first wave, I can recall how almost every patient that came in with covid like symptoms if oxygen level was low, they w…[Read more]
Elizabeth Lopez replied to the topic Ideas of DNP Projects in the forum DNP Student Concerns 3 years ago
Hello Njideka,
This is a great topic to discuss early on as we start of our programs so that we can start thinking about topics we could focus on. I think it’s important before we select a topic for our project that we have a clear understanding of what purpose there is to a DNP project. I’m early on in my program but my understanding of a DNP pro…[Read more] -
Elizabeth Lopez replied to the topic The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP in the forum DNP Professional Growth 3 years ago
Hello Avery,
I have been in many conversations where my coworkers’ have brought up the topic on future goals and I talk about my goal of pursuing a DNP degree. The responses are many times full of negativity. Because of the negative feedback I get from coworkers I have become a lot more hesitant to share my educational goals at work. Some of the r…[Read more] -
Elizabeth Lopez became a registered member 3 years, 1 month ago