2021 Mini Podium Presentations in Alphabetical Order by Primary Author

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Development and Evaluation of a Type 2 Diabetes Lifestyle Modification Counseling Program to Improve Diabetes Self-Care in a CMH Clinic
Grace Adepoju, DNP

Adapted Collaborative Care for Geriatric Depression Severity Reduction and Life Quality Improvement
Victor Bench, DNP, CRNP,
Michael Beach, DNP, ACNP-BC, and Dianxu Ren, MD, PhD

Implementation of a Patient-Reported Outcomes Measure for Patients with Advanced Heart Failure
Leanne Burke, DNP, APRN-BC, Debra Servello, DNP, APRN, and Cynthia Padula, PhD, RN

Translating DNP Policy into Practice: A QI Pilot Initiative in Academia
Sandra Copeland,  DNP, FNP-BC, and Sheryl Winn, DNP, APN

Impact of the Faith Community on African American Health Promotion
Chandra Darden, DNP, and Julie Freeman, DNP, ACNP-BC

The Impact of an Evidence-Based Cultural Competence Workshop for University Student Health Centers Licensed Personnel
Kori Lapham, DNP, FNP, and Krista White, PhD, RN

Knowledge and Adult Learning Strategies for Implementing Components of an Intraoperative Bundle to Reduce Surgical Site Infections
JohnRich Levine, DNP, RN

Chronic Disease Management at the Healthiest Company on the Planet: the Value of a Multidisciplinary Workplace Clinic
Katherine Lothe, DNP, FNP

Implementation of Modified Early Warning Scoring System on Inpatient Medical-Surgical Remote
Telemetry Units at a Veteran’s Administration Hospital
Cheryl Manjengwa, DNP, RN

Improving Referrals to a Fracture Liaison Service: Screening for Osteoporosis
Samantha McDowell, DNP, APRN, and Julie C. Freeman, DNP, APRN

Implementing Motivational Interviewing for Tobacco Cessation
Latonda Paymon, DNP, Briana Stein DNP, FNP-BC, and Barbara Miller, PhD, RN

To Vape or Not to Vape
Latonda Paymon, DNP

Georgia EMT & EMT-I Scope of Practice Expansion to Increase Patient Access to Epinephrine for Emergent Treatment of Anaphylaxis
Amanda Prator, DNP

The Effect of an Office-Based Strategy to Implement Measurement-Based Care into Psychiatric Treatment at a Non-Profit, Outpatient Clinic
Deirdre Rea, DNP, RN

LGBTQ: The Null Curriculum
Alan Skipper, DNP, APRN, and
Joanne M. Zanetos, DNP, RN


Decreasing No-Show Appointments at a Regional Mental Health Organization
Rosalind Williams, DNP, APRN, Kathleen Hubner, DNP, APRN

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