New DNP Essentials: let’s pay attention!

Posted on: October 29th, 2023 by Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. No Comments

The AACN has been working to align BSN, MSN, and DNP essentials. They are out for review and many programs, schools, and universities are working to assure that they are implementing best practices for program growth and consistency.

However, there are concerns. Check out THIS LINK to view the track-changes on the evolution of these essentials. Also, the Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education is another document to review and appreciate.

A concern – and a question on what you think. The newer version of the essentials equates nurse educators as direct care clinicians, though they acknowledge that they are not APRNs. I sense that they are trying to justify a DNP in education which flies in the face of what the DNP is about. A wise colleague pointed out that the P in the degree stands for practice, not pedagogy. There is no intention to detract from our academic colleagues yet this professional practice degree is just that – and if being an educator is the end-game intention, other courses and perhaps other degrees should be considered. This may be a controversial statement and I anticipate some pros and cons in the feedback on this blog post.

What do you think? Do you agree with the direction the AACN and the leaders in this change of the essentials are making? If not, what recommendations do you offer?

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