Synchronous Telehealth Fatigue Among Healthcare Providers Survey

Posted on: July 21st, 2022 by Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. No Comments

If you are a nurse practitioner currently utilizing telehealth to deliver care to patients, I am inviting you to participate in this brief, anonymous survey titled “Synchronous Telehealth Fatigue Among Healthcare Providers.” The purpose of the study is to determine if providers delivering care via telehealth experience synchronous telehealth fatigue and its relationship to associated factors such as number of hours worked, work environment, work location, and level of telehealth education, and resiliency. Additionally, the study will determine synchronous telehealth fatigue affecting the provider’s desire to continue providing care through telehealth.

The survey should only take approximately 10 minutes of your time and is strictly anonymous. You have the right to refuse or discontinue the survey at any time. Completion of the survey will serve as implied consent.

This research is a part of my capstone in the DNP program at Old Dominion University. Your feedback is important to bring awareness to synchronous telehealth fatigue by assessing the provider’s physical, mental, and emotional health related to synchronous telehealth care delivery. Additional outcomes may be utilized to expand future research and establish evidence-based practices to manage synchronous telehealth fatigue.

Thank you for your participation. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 276-389-9545 or, Dr. Tina Gustin (Responsible Primary Investigator) at 757-285-6215 or, or Kelli Garber (Faculty Advisor), DNP, APRN, PPCNP-BC at 301-606-7883 or, or Dr. Tancy Vandecar-Burdin, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Chair at Old Dominion University to review this matter with you at 757-683-3802
or You may also contact the Office of Research at 757-683-3460.

Survey Link:

Amanda Hudgins, MSN APRN FNP

Old Dominion University

DNP Candidate



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