How DNPs are Steering the Future of Nursing

Posted on: May 23rd, 2021 by Doctors of Nursing Practice, Inc. 2 Comments

Whether you are focused on being a clinician, an educator, in shaping health policies—or a combination of these—earning a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree helps you gain the skills and assemble the tools you need to be a force for change in 21st-century nursing practice. As one DailyNurse contributor, recent DNP grad Patrick M. Nobles, DNP, FNP-BC, CNL, sees it, “My thoughts on having a career as a nurse include how versatile and applicable the [DNP degree] is to many career paths. The DNP degree echoes that versatility and can be utilized in many different career settings.”

Read more HERE.


2 Responses

  1. Great response and thoughts, Arionn. Thank you for sharing. What you wrote is inspiring and motivating. Again, thank you for sharing these insights.

  2. Hi,
    Thank you for your post. You bring up a point that is worth the conversation. You explained your notion that the DNP degree is paving the way for nursing and its outlook on success for lucrativeness. This reminds me of how far the nursing career has come. The original nurse who served as the first line to those fighting in wars has evolved, been reinvented, and reimagined to become a multifaceted profession with hundreds of specialties, and subspecialties with advanced nursing practice taking over primary care. Health as a human right is fundamental to the concept of access to and indeed equity in health care. Universal access to health care is an imagined concept in the US. While past presidential cabinets have pushed the initiative for universal healthcare, the quality is lacking and often still falls short for the community in need. As nursing has evolved into Doctors of the practice with practice-focused licenses, we have a larger quantity of mid-level providers who can deliver healthcare to those communities in need of change, education, and a chance to be helped. Along with the rise of the modern hospital, we need a rise in new and modern healthcare delivery. With this profound technological change, especially in clinical practice and treatment of so many conditions, we need APNs to bridge that gap.

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